Please call ICE now (this week)!
Please call the Tacoma ICE office (from wherever you are!) and urge them to grant the immediate humanitarian release of Miguel Armenta Olabarria!
Miguel, a gay activist, artist, farmworker, and hunger strike leader who has lived in the US for over 20 years, is currently living with HIV, Hep C, and cancer. He is being detained in the NW Detention Center, where his health is deteriorating rapidly and he can’t get his medical needs met while awaiting his asylum hearing. Miguel is asking for our help to pressure the ICE officers who have the authority to grant his release. Let’s help return Miguel to his husband, family, and extended community!
Please call the Tacoma ICE office and ask them to grant the immediate humanitarian release of Miguel Angel Armenta Olabarria! (A# 076-343-950).
Call ICE Officers Bryan Wilcox at 253-779-6080 and Nathalie Asher at 206-835-0058.
Sample Script:
Hi, my name is _____ (or my name is _____ and I’m calling as a member of ______ organization). Miguel is currently living with HIV, Hep C, and cancer. Due to the strain of detention, his health is deteriorating. Even when given access to medical care, it is not adequate. Miguel is in no way a threat to community safety. I am asking you to immediately grant him humanitarian release while he awaits the decision on his asylum. Thank you.
Please join the NW Detention Center Resistance Group at a rally for Miguel before his asylum hearing on October 30th at noon at the Detention Center in Tacoma. His hearing will follow at 1pm, and he would like to see supporters there as well!
Northwest Detention Center; 1623 E J St.; Tacoma, WA 98421
Llamen a la oficina de ICE en Tacoma y exige que le concendan la salida humanitaria a Miguel Armenta Olabarria!
Miguel, un activista gay, artista, trabajador, y un líder huelguista quien ha vivido en los Estados Unidos por mas de 20 anos, actualmente esta detenido teniendo VIH, hepatitis C, y Cancer. El esta siendo detenido en el Centro de Detencion en Tacoma Wa, donde su salud esta deteriorándose rápidamente y no puede atenderse medicamente mientras espera su audiencia de asilo. Miguel esta necesitando de nuestra ayuda para poner presión a los oficiales de ICE quienes tienen la autoridad de dejarlo salir. Ayudanos a regresar a Miguel con su esposo, familia, y a reintegrarse a su comunidad!
Llama porfavor a la oficina de ICE en Tacoma y exige que le concedan la salida humanitaria a Miguel Armenta Olabarria #A 076-343950.
Llama al oficial de ICE Bryan Wilcox al 253-779-6080 y Nathalie Asher al 206-835-0058.
Por ejemplo;
Hola mi nombre es____ y estoy hablando como miembro de______ Organización, Miguel esta siendo detenido con HIV, Hepatitis C and cáncer debido a su detención su salud se esta deteriorando.Aunque le están dando acceso a cuidado medico,no es el adecuado, Miguel no es un peligro a la comunidad, te pido que le concedas su salida humanitaria mientras espera la decisión de su asilo gracias!
Acompananos al grupo de Resistencia al Centro de Detencion a una marcha para Miguel antes de su Audiencia de Asilo el 30 de octubre a las 12:00 pm en el Centro de Detencion en Tacoma, su audiencia empezara a la 1:00pm y le gustaría ver gente apoyándolo ahí también.
Northwest Detention Center 1623 E J st Tacoma Wa 98421